A Family Business

We are a family run brokerage and just as family, we are invested in seeing our agents succeed. Being a small brokerage allows us to provide a personalized approach. If you’re looking for 1:1 attention and customized support along the way, this is for you. With bring two skill sets together - almost 20 years of experience in the Texas Real Estate industry combined with 15+ years of marketing know-how. And this is what we offer.

We Are Invested In Your Success!

We want to see you thrive and are proud to offer you a comprehensive plan that helps you to continue reinvest into your business. Out of your operating and marketing expenses we reimburse you a certain percentage at closing. This money comes out of our portion of the commission so you can re-invest into your next project and continue building on your success.

It is said that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. It is important to us to create an atmosphere of engagement and motivation and this is how we select our agents. So that you are amongst like-minded colleagues who you can bounce ideas off of and who will inspire you to be your best version of yourself. We offer monthly meetings and regular training sessions on top of the personalized training.

What You Get

Ready To Get Started?

Reach out to us to set up an initial call or meeting with us.

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